This workshop is nothing short of a  rollercoaster ride! We’ll be diving into the realm of our inner DEMONS and shadow selves, all in the name of creating complex, authentic, modern characters for screen and stage. This will confront us with everything from our beliefs about who we think we are to what actually truly drives us as humans and artists.

The technique builds on the principles of Stanislavski, has it’s heart in the Chubbuck Technique and draws inspiration from Carl Jung’s psychoanalytic legacy. We will work on contemporary and classical scenes from film, tv and stage – and our DEMONS will help us to do it!

We begin with one day online where we explore the basic drives within our scenes and ourselves. One week later we meet in person for a three-day workshop at De Balletzaal in Uithoorn. You will meet one or more of your DEMONS, give it a name and a life, get it to help you play your scene and reach your goal.

The work is both analytical, emotional, physical and intuitive – using our whole capacity as an actor and human being. It can be quite an overwhelming process, but more important; a deeply rewarding one. How you see yourself and your mission as an actor will most likely be changed forever.

The working language for this course is English.

                                                  WORKING WITH THE DEMONS

A DEMON is a concept found in almost every culture around the world. This archetype was notably popularised in Western thought by Carl Jung, who referred to it as “The Shadow”. Essentially, a DEMON is a part of us that remains hidden, yet profoundly influences our behaviours and reactions: a part of our unconscious mind that we have rejected, denied or disowned. We often think of our DEMONS as the darker aspects, like shame, our fear, our phobias or past traumas, but they can be positive traits too – traits that we might not even believe we deserve.

Our DEMONS take us to every facet of what it is to be human, challenge our self-perceptions and broaden our understanding of what is art. Hidden inside of us, they are in fact powerful sources of energy. If we connect to them, it can open up a creative surge, pushing us through creative blocks and making us look upon our artistic journey in a new light.

                                                    THE COURSE PROCESS

Two weeks before our first meeting online you’ll receive an email with a a scene and your assigned scene partner. To prepare, you’ll need to watch the related movie or TV series, or read through the play script provided. Alongside that, we’ll send you a compilation of relevant texts and exercises. Please read through these materials thoroughly.

Our first session together will be online. During this session, we’ll explore the analysis, the drives and the given circumstances of all the scenes in our course. We’ll be using insights from Stanislavki, the 12 steps of the Chubbuck Technique, as well as other modern acting methods in this quest.

After this first session together each scene pair will have one individual online meeting with Elisabet for 45 minutes. In this session, we’ll dive into  “how is this about me?” to help uncover the inner work, finding what personally connects you to the scene and your character on a deeply human level.

We’re finally ready to meet up in the Uithoorn, for a three-day adventure. Together, we will delve deep into our inner worlds to find, reveal, explore and integrate our DEMONS through a unique and creative process where we use these rejected sides of us to win. Like the alchemical process of turning shit into gold.

De Balletzaal, Hugo de Grootlaan 1, 1422 BR Uithoorn and online.
(Tram from Amsterdam Zuid + 6 min walk)

27 February– You will receive your scene and a scene partner and begin your preparation work.
15 March – 10.00-15.00  ONLINE to do ground work
16 March- 19 March– We’ll  do one 45 minute session, where you will be working with your scene partner and Elisabet ONLINE to dive deeper into the inner work of the scene.
21-22-23 March– 10.00-17.00 – all three days, De Balletzaal, Hugo de Grootlaan 1, 1422 BR Uithoorn

Workshop price: €420 + Swedish VAT.  Please submit EU VAT number for reverse charges.
Early Bird price until 1 December €395+Swedish VAT.
Apply with showreel or CV+photo to

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                                              The key is inside you – together we will find it.